"My name is Nick Land and I grew up in Panama City, FL. I am 43 years old, and I have two amazing, beautiful daughters. I was raised in a good home with my brother and sister by loving parents that did the best they could. I knew right from wrong, and we were always involved at church. As I got into my teenage years my belief in God all but disappeared. I had my first drink at the age of 15. I was hanging out with some older friends, and I was curious and wanted to fit in. I was a good and responsible student and didn’t see any harm in just having a “good time”. I liked the feeling from the very first time. When I got off on my own, partying and working became more important to me than school. My grades dropped drastically, and I made some very poor and regrettable decisions in my life. I knew at that time I had a problem, but I thought I could quit whenever I wanted. I used my bad decisions as an excuse to drink and to eventually quit school all together. This was the...
At The FARM, we aim to rebuild hope where it’s been damaged or lost. We work with men who want help, that are desperate & have been brought to their knees in one way or another due to having no control over their addiction...
The first man came to the F.A.R.M. in October 2014 as the result of many years of faithful prayer and support from the body of Christ and the local community. Addiction affects millions of families nationwide including the ...
Help make a difference in another man's life.
A Christ-centered Regeneration Program is distinctly different than secular recovery approaches. It includes material learned from the scientific community while centering on a man’s relationship with God.and his need for reconciliation...